Monday, June 22, 2009

My Cute Adam is 5!

Adam turned 5 today! He has been looking forward to his birthday for quite some time. It is such a milestone since it means you start school and various other things that I told him he'd be allowed to do like chew gum :) I wanted to write a few things about this sweet boy both for me and him to remember.

Adam is a great friend. He loves other kids and is always concerned about them and also about how nice they are being to him. He is a great helper--always wants to help in the kitchen, vacuum, pick up, carry in groceries, etc. Even helps when his little brother says he can't. Adam has the MOST energy of anyone I have ever met! He can go and go all day. He seems to have a natural knack for sports and when asked what sports he wants to play, he replies, "all sports". He LOVES his family and will never want to hurt anyone's feelings by saying he likes anyone better than another or that anyone is better at doing something than someone else. Adam enjoys coloring and drawing and writing words and names. He gets better with each day. He also loves to sing Primary songs and we hear him in his room singing them each night. Adam is very good, too good at asking questions--he is so curious about everything. He recently learned his dad's cell number and calls him about 10 times a day. He has a cute smile and eyes. And, if you ever need a boost, he is good at that, for example, everytime I get ready--do my makeup, my hair, and get dressed he tells me, "you look beautiful!" It is so cute that he notices when I do those things. And he loves to give hugs and kisses and you can't leave or come home without doing so. Adam has become a pretty obedient kid and he wants to do what's right (doesn't always do it) but I can tell he wants to. If he does something wrong he always apologizes and is sorry for doing it. He definitely has the faith of a child and is constantly saying prayers to ask for owies to get better or for anything, he just knows his prayer will be answered. Last week he was sick and had a blessing and I told him after he needed to get some sleep to get better. His reply, "Mom, I am better. I had a blessing." We love him so much and our home would not be the same without this sweet, caring little boy.
For his birthday we went to Chuck e. Cheese. I chose something that would be easy for a pregnant lady. He had a good time and I hope his friends did. He chose to have a baseball cake. I had fun making it, and Billy said he wanted that for his cake! :)

Adam on his bike in hi pjs--with him more is always better! (helmet and elbow and knee pads!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Update time!

Adam finished preschool last month and I'm sad it's over because it was nice for both of us. He starts school this August and I know he's going to love it, being the little social guy that he is. He took swim lessons for the last 2 weeks, but unfortunately he had to miss today and yesterday since he came down with a fever on wednesday. He seems to be getting better now, but it has been a long 3 days stuck at home with both the boys and then Billy out of town.

This is also the week Logan finally gave in to being potty trained. I've tried off and on 3 other times and NEVER would he do it. I mean I got him to go pee a couple times but he never understood HOW to do it, so I'd always give up after 2-3 days of a zillion accidents. On Monday I had had it with changing his poopy diapers. He knows when he has to poop. Everytime he goes he would hide--either under the table, in another room, or upstairs. If I tried to catch him he just wouldn't go. So monday I told him no more of it. Billy took him potty and he went. He was scared of the potty--which I think is somewhat normal. Anway, ever since then he has used the potty and of course has had some accidents but he will now tell me when he has to go. And...will try to use the excuse to go potty to not go to bed:) It has definitely taught me that all children are different. My experience with Adam was different, however I started later with him. He was about the same age as Logan when I tried, so maybe that's the better age to start for my boys. I honestly feel that if I left it up to either of them they would've waited until they were 4 or older to want to go.

As for me I have about 11 more weeks until my due date. Things are definitely getting harder. I'm hot all the time and tired a lot! Last pregnancy I used to nap while Adam did so that helped a ton. Now I never get the naps since neither of the boys nap and try to steal a nap on the couch while they play. Oh, and we still don't have a name for this boy!

Billy is coming along after his surgery. He isn't so much in pain as his knee just gets very stiff if held in position too long. He continues to go the gym most everyday to work on his knee and workout. At his last appointment the dr. said he could start running in a month. Billy plans to wait longer than that but now he wants to train for a triathlon--if he could just find someone to do it with him. I'd do it but I'm a ways off from that right now:)

Oh, in April we went to this awesome Wildlife Park in San Antonio so I will post some pics of that.