Sunday, April 20, 2008


My sis tagged Logan but I thought Adam would be easier to do and a little more fun since he's older.

William Adam

1. Adam goes by his middle name. We wanted to carry on his dad's name but I didn't want him to be the III so I changed his middle name to Adam. When Billy and I were first married we read a story in the Ensign about a little boy named Adam and it was so cute--after that I wanted to name a child Adam. I think it fits him.

2. Adam loves, loves, loves people--especially kids! When we first moved here we were at church and he was about 18 months old. He went and sat down by some older boys (probably 10 yrs old) in the hall at church like it was no big deal. He loves playing with kids, he just is still learning what is okay and not okay (sharing toys, sword fighting, etc).

3. He loves his brother Logan more than anything. Once Logan learned to crawl it was Adam following him around, normally it's the other way around for babies, but not for Adam he just loves having the company. He is constantly telling me, Logan, and Billy that we are his "best friends".

4. Adam has got to be the world's biggest "Star Wars" fan--especially the sword fights. He loves the movies, the lego star wars games, the guys, and the swords of course. I think Adam should have his own sword fighting video on YouTube like that one kid. He has some pretty good moves. He was Luke for Halloween and is already deciding what star wars guy he'll be next year, although we will hopefully talk him out of that one. He has pretend fights with the guys--he has a great imagination. And he especially loves when daddy tells him stories about star wars at bed time.

5. From day one Adam has been a goer. He took a few extra days to get started in the hospital which gave me a scare, but I'm sure if he could've talked he would've told us he was fine and to get the wires off of him. He rolled over at a few months, crawled around 6, walked around 10 mo. and started climbing soon after. He has been climbing on chairs, tables, counters, the moving food thing at the grocery store as soon as he could. At a young age I just got used to it. While others are surprised and worried about him falling it is now the norm for me. He is incredibly agile for a little guy.

6. His 2 favorite songs are "ABC's" and "I Am a Child of God". He sings or hums his abc's constantly. We were at the airport and waiting to board the plane and he was humming them and the guy checking us in said, "I know that one." He also loves to sing songs to himself at bedtime, which brings me to his last thing.

7. He does NOT require much sleep. As a newborn he literally only slept 12 hours a day. All the books and people say babies sleep nonstop, but not Adam. It was a very difficult time, but eventually it got a little better. He stopped napping at about 2 and only gets about 10 1/2 to 11 hours now. Logan is quite the opposite and a good sleeper, it's nice to have one at least.

Oh, we tag:
Eliza Bodine
Ellie Weber
Alex Lee
Logan Shook


Tamster said...

That was cute! Fun to learn a little more about Adam, and cute pics! :-)

Erin said...

This makes me miss you guys so much. We love Adam and I know Elise sure misses her buddy.

Del and Tina said...

Hey Billy and Erin, we're thinking of driving down from Dallas to the Pflugerville/Austin area in a week or two (actually, Mother's Day weekend). Would you guys like to get together for dinner or something? Email me at
Billy's cousin,

anna said...

sooooo cute! miss you guys!