Sunday, June 24, 2007

Big Three

Adam turned 3 years old on June 22nd 2007. We took the boys to the zoo in San Antonio. Adam loved seeing all the animals. His favorites were the elephants. Too bad it rained and we had to rush past them.

Adam also finally got his SpongeBob cake. He had been talking about it for weeks. As far as presents go, he got an xbox game, star wars shirt, dinosaur, and gorilla toy. We pretty much let him pick out the dinosaur at ToysRus. His cousin Alex had one and he loved it. Logan did pretty well at the zoo but he didn't like the rain too much.


Rob and Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to Adam! Sounds like you guys had a fun day and he got a lot of fun presents. Rob and Jack also love that Star Wars game.

lrbodine said...

Happy Birthday to all 3 of you that have birthdays around the same time! Looks like fun to go to the zoo. I can't wait until Ellie is old enough for fun things like that.

MayerFamily said...

Erin, that is an AWESOME cake! Way to go! By the smile on Adam's face, it looks like he had a great birthday. Can you believe our boys are three? Crazy.
Happy Birthday to the three of you!

Unknown said...

I'm loving the Blog Erin. I'm so happy that I get to be in better touch with my college friends that have moved away. Terry is moving to Penn, to go to school again and get his masters in business.