Tuesday, June 12, 2007

what's been going on...

So we went berry picking last saturday as a family. It was a fun family outing, though it was almost an hour away. It was a lot of farm roads though so Billy went pretty fast. Adam had a good time, except that it was so hot! I was literally dripping sweat. We didn't last too long there as Logan pooped his pants and as you can see in the picture doesn't look thrilled to be in the stroller. And why is it that the one picture of both kids smiling--at the same time--their eyes are closed?

Doesn't Logan looked thrilled in this picture? Adam ALWAYS looks thrilled in his pictures!

Oh and just a note about the deer, Billy would like to pretend I posted that and that he doesn't blog but he did, he's pretty excited about his deer. He got the antlers and skull mounted and we just got it back yesterday and he put it up in his office. Logan is crawling now, well pulling his body and it's so cute and fun, but it's a lot harder to keep the small stuff away with Adam's toys and such.

If you know Adam this shirt fits him perfectly, he loves to climb EVERYTHING!!!

Here's some cute pics of the boys.

I love his cute teeth!

Adam and his friend Ellie swimming...they took off all their clothes.

This outfit cracks me up b/c Logan looks so chubby in it, thanks KariAnn for the clothes.


Unknown said...

Berry picking is always fun. I remember going when I was little. We went huckelberry picking, (can't spell it though)

Glad things have been "going on" Things are going on for me too.

Rob and Sarah said...

You have such cute boys! I love all the pics of them. I don't know anything about hunting but Congrats to your hubby on his deer!

lrbodine said...

How fun to go berry picking! I wonder if there is anything like that in Arizona? And tell Billy nice work on the hunting. Rob was impressed.