Sunday, November 25, 2007

Buster and Munchie

I am facing facts that I am a terrible blogger. Billy keeps telling me I need to do a post, but my pictures are from Halloween. Oh well. We recently took some family pictures and when we get them back I'll try to post those. I think they turned out pretty cute all things considering.

I was really sick for about a week. I lost my voice and it was terrible. We had a Primary Activity and I couldn't even talk at it. I missed church the next day, but thankfully I am feeling better now.
Billy and I just laugh at how funny Adam is. We wonder if all 3 yr. olds are that funny or if it's just Adam. He has been having pee accidents lately and so we have been trying so many things to try to incentify him, one of which was to fill a jar with "monies" everytime he peed in the potty and take one out when he peed his pants. When it got to a certain level we would get him a star wars guy (his absolute favorite thing). Well Adam climbed up to get it. There is only one place in the whole house he can't reach and that is on top of the armoire. Billy asked him if he had gotten into his jar since there were a ton of monies in it (it's on top of the fridge). In response he said to Billy, "daddy, I'm big now I can get anything. He always tells me he needs to get big, big, big like daddy or grow up big like him.

Logan is funny too and such a good boy. He is so patient on my many excursions with him. He sits in his seat in the stroller or cart and doesn't complain. SO much different than Adam was. He loves to go places.
Oh and that's what we call them, Adam is Buster and Logan is Munchie.


Erin said...

I love that family picture of you guys... cute.

JerBear & Co. said...

Yea! You finally posted another entry. I've been waiting and wondered if you'd fallen off the face of the earth. I'm glad to know you're still alive and that you are feeling better. Can't wait to see your family pics. It may have been a month between entries, but better late than never! Don't give up. :-) Tami
P.S. I hardly recognize Billy in that pic at the top. Has it really been so long since we've seen y'all? Cute pics, though.

Alisa said...

Hey what is that white shirt you are wearing in the picture with Billy and Adam and Logan at the top? Its boobalicious-- but cute. Where is that picture taken? Maybe it says I check again.