Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crepes in Texas

I'm not sure if any of you watch "Throwdown With Bobby Flay" on the Food Network, but my parents told me about one they saw that was in Austin so I started watching it. He challenged "Fliphappy Crepes" in Austin to a throwdown. They supposedly makes the best crepes in the U.S. So, I have been wanting to try it ever since. They make their crepes out of this trailer parked in a parking lot downtown. They are only open Wed-Saturday and for only part of the day so it has been tricky to get down there. I finally got down there on saturday and there were a lot of people there. Let's just say that most the people there were helping to "Keep Austin Weird" (that's their slogan here). Anyway, so I picked up 3 crepes, 2 savory and 1 sweet. I just took the boys with me b/c Billy wasn't feeling well. They were really good and now I want to try to make my own at home. They were almost like a wrap but in a crepe, the savory crepe was a little crisp but so good and the sweet one was soft like it should be. Oh and they also make them into a side salad as well. If any of you come to visit we should definitely go there. It's right by lake austin and it's really pretty. The menu is below, it's hard to see, I had to scan it in, but you can click on it and enlarge it. They are yummy.


Julie said...

Trevor and I love Throwdown and have seen that crepe episode. That's awesome that went there! I sure wish we could visit you and see all the people that are keeping Austin weird and try Fliphappy Crepes! I'm gonna send a link to your blog to Trevor at work so he can see. Glad you posted a pic of the menu, too!

Oh, and thanks for the nice compliments about me not needing to lose weight. But I do. According to my BMI I'm considered overweight. Even without the numbers, I don't like my belly and fat arms and cottage cheese thighs and... Shall I go on? Let's just say I don't like myself in a swimsuit. You won't be seeing half-naked pictures of me on the internet anytime soon!

Erin said...

Hmmm... we might have to go down there sometime with the kiddos.

Tamster said...

I'd love to come visit, but I don't think we'll be making a trip that way anytime soon unfortunately. If we ever do, though, we'll have to keep that place in mind. It sounds good! :-)

Alisa said...

I was unable to make the menu bigger I get I'll go get my magnifying glass:) You mentioned that place to me and I remember RR having Bobby Flay on and doing a little shpeal on him, but I don't remember much. I remember thinking it looks like a decent show. You make me really want to try those crepes. Just mention that, PB outlet and Rudy's and I'll be online looking for tickets. I do need to come out again -- this time I'll avoid the ice storm and try to see Austin when it warmer. I especially like how there were so many ppl keeping Austin weird-- you think I could do that? We know Dad could- its a wonder he doesn't live there-- teasing. Oh and would you say they are Texas sized crepes?

Unknown said...

What we need is a sister/sister-in-law rendezvous one weekend in Austin for some Fliphappy crepes! It's the middle ground from Utah...whadoyasay gals?

My French teacher made us fresh crepes in class one day. THOSE were the best I've ever had. I've tried to make them only a couple of times since, but to no avail. They're tricky, but tasty, little yummies!

Ed said...

"They were almost like a wrap but in a crepe"

That's PERFECT because wraps are your specialty!

rachel @ blackeiffel said...

Ohhhh... i love, love crepes. You should totally make them, everyday.

lrbodine said...

I love Bobby Flay!

I haven't seen that episode but they sound good. There was a place I went to in Utah a few times for Crepe Sandwiches that were fabulous.

Alisa said...

I saw this Throwdown today-- the whole fam watched. It really made me want one. Then to go to New Orleans for the muffaletta we saw in the other Throwdown. Lachelle-- please tell me where that crepe place here in UT is. My husband was complaining as we watched that we don't have a place like that here.


Unknown said...

I can no longer come to your blog because all I want is a crepe -- and a new haircut!! ;)

Christina said...

I saw that episode too and had to try it. It was fun!