Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Love My Kids

I just have to say I love my boys. They are so funny and cute. I know everyone feels that way about their kids and that's a good thing. Adam just says such funny things and Logan is so cute. He has been learning so many more words and just to hear him say things is so much fun! Logan absolutely LOVES stuffed animals, but especially bears, he giggles when he gets his bears and says, "beeah!" Adam loves Logan and says, "Yogan is my best friend!" I hope they can always be friends. Oh and my FAVORITE from Adam, "Adam why is your shirt off?" His response, "Because that's what Anakin do's." That's as in Anakin Skywalker, not sure when he doesn't have a shirt on?!

That's not to say that they don't drive me crazy sometimes or to paint a picture that they are perfect b/c that's not the case as most you know. ie. Adam setting off the alarm at church one sunday after church and the fire department had to come and the ward after us had to evacuate, or when he makes faces during primary at his friend behind him, or stands up during sacrament meeting b/c he can't see (there are a lot from church), or when my counselor in primary and also in the preschool group tells me her son always has something to tell her about Adam whether it's good or bad (made me feel great), and I could go on and on, but I still love my boys and am so grateful for them. Sorry to go on, I just was thinking this when my husband was out of town and I thought what would I being doing right now if I didn't have my kids? and I was happy they were there to keep me company.

So I haven't posted in awhile I know, I wanted to post some pictures but I can't find the dang cord for my camera, hopefully we can find that soon. Yesterday Billy and I went and saw the 2nd National Treasure. It was fine, nothing to write home about, basically the same as the first but not as good. It was nice to get out together though since we don't do it too often.

After church and dinner today, Billy informed me he wanted a treat. I looked in Betty Crocker and found a chocolate cake that was decent calorie wise and I just made it with whole wheat, I added a tiny bit less sugar and oil. I thought it was pretty good. He said he didn't think it was sweet enough. But, I did notice he and Adam ate plenty. I needed something sweet and it hit the spot.


Tamster said...

Life would be boring without our families, wouldn't it?! Thanks for sharing those thoughts. :-)

Alisa said...

Yep I have those thoughts and need to always remember them. The love we feel as mothers is so strong, that nothing compares to it. I am always so sad when I hear of someone who does not have children by choice because they have no idea what they are missing, I want so badly for everyone to experience this most amazing part of life. Like you said they are hard, but nothing is as amazing as being a mother NOTHING!
That cake sounds good I'll have to remember it on a day that I have done better than today!:)